Azeroth D&D Campaign Log - Myrkulverse

Session 36
17th Voidshroud
Party Gold: 300

Note Taking Order

  • Stakk
  • Takeshii
  • Kris
  • Rayven
  • Seek (Luddite)

The party arrives at Camp Taurejo and sets about meeting the various denizens of said camp. First off a report is rendered to General Ragetotem about the centaurs and anything we gleaned during our escape. The general suggests we talk to Archdruid Aseus about the pendant nighthour kept from the burning centaur. He confirms Ragnaros’s involvement in the centaur uprising, we are informed we can get a free night’s lodgings from innkeeper Oogubu. we interact with all the main characters in town and learn the following as far as quests go

Tatternack Steelforge = quest for rare metals in a cave that special weapons can be made from. In a cave south of Quillboar

General Ragetotem = Scouting quest of the forward bases at the Oasis’s

Jorn Skyseer = quest for lightning glands and leather from a rare beast

Mangletooth = quest to kill 2 named quilboar leaders that have wronged him. He wants their heads Snaggletooth and Raggletooth

Capt Emkath and brig general Delnora = quest to disrupt supply lines plant bombs 1500 gp payday per person and a goodie!

Katress the thief to rip off steamwheedle cartel caravan the party wisely declined this one!

Byula Bloodhoof (cousin to Cairne), Ak’jash, and Archdruid Garan - protect supplies caravan to and from Rachet

Akdu Brol offers weapons and armor for sale
Kuldir Sagewind = potions
note pendant sold for 300 gp

Session 37
18th Voidshroud
Party Gold: 300

Note Taking Order

  • Stakk
  • Takeshii
  • Kris
  • Rayven
  • Seek (Luddite)


Kris posts this notice in the Inn before we leave

Keep Katabases looking for the following:
Tanner: experience with skinning and meat processing encouraged
Seamstress: experience with weaving, sewing, and dyeing
Magical Crafter: experience making potions and magical items, plant cultivation encouraged

Keep to provide compensation, lodging, and materials for long term contracts

Seek gets more info about the ore quest. Finds out that several groups have gone on this quest and none have come back. Dangerous animals or monsters - Ore may be from a meteorite. Accepts quest.

It will take about a day to craft an item after we have the ore

We go to bed, then head out to the quest site

Our keep is now called Keep Katabases

We make it to the cave entrance and found two bodies with the tops of their heads ripped off and brains missing. Illithid/mind flayer suspected

Just inside of the cave entrance. Ray hears what sounds like a stone door opening inside that door, and we find a mindflayer. We kill it, find glowing ore, and mine it.

We continue through the cave killing mind flayers and mining ore.

Altogether we hit 3 ore nodes got 2 good quality ore samples and 1 mid quality

After we mine the 3rd ore node the floor caves in and we fall 20ft and land in a large open section of the cave with a ship in it.

5 (8d4+8) healing pots gathered

Rolls for the ores
Green 12
Purple 85
Blue 88

Session 38
19th Voidshroud
Party Gold: 300

Awaiting results of our job posted in the Keep Katabase.

We are fighting in a cave and fell through the cave and find a ship of some kind
we landed and scouted the area and 3 HUGE Centipede burst out and attack us.
the party is able to kill 1 but Rayvan is getting bent over by the centipede.
we got 1 pristine skin of 1 centipede and 1 garbage one
also 1000 gold pieces & Two chest inside with the gold 1 smaller and 1 3ft long by 1ft
Takeshima caught ray attempting to steal the small box.
Found 1 magic item found insects mandable. Which went to take.
The guilded scoundrel Takeshima could barely find what he thinks is the name.
We climb out of the cave and head back to camp T to discuss our finding of loot and ore
Two piles are exceptional(blue and purple) and 1 is okay ore quality(green)
Ray gets the Green, Seek gets the purple, Stakk gets blue
he starts working on the task
Jorn Skyseer pulls out a nice simple well cared for dagger and gives it to Ray when dagger is used does grant 1d4 to skinning 1 time per encounter.
We ask for his services to turn out skins into something usable. The pristine leather is going to be made for armor for Stakk.
The subpar skin would be turned into an accessory.
It will take about a day and 100g per thing crafted.

Ending Party Gold: 1100

Session 39
24th Voidshroud
Party Gold: 1100

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

The party awakes at Camp Taurejo, Seek inquires for magical and special items in the camp with no results.

Note for oncoming expedition camping supplies are required for the expedition. The party purchases 7 days worth of camping supplies.

The party exits the camp around 7am heading to the Southern Barrens in persist of the lightning lizard or wind serpent. In pursuit of the quest for lightning glands and leather from a rare beast, from Jorn Skyseer.

Seek and Rayven work in tandem to begin tracking the creature.

The party observes many creatures from lions and hyenas to game animals and small birds. Rayven asks all individuals the party meets if they have heard of or have seen the beast, but the road appears to be mostly deserted.

At 3 hrs South of Camp Taurego. (10am), the party starts to head South East.

As the wind serpent is expected to be an apex predator of the area and the party expects that the Quillboar would not be better informed on the location of the creature.

The group heads SouthEast for ~7 hrs, Seek and Rayven find molted scales that are significantly larger that most creatures of the area and a trail of disturbed vegetation leading to the SouthEast.

As it’s growing dark the group marches on for about 5 more hours (10pm) finding for a good camping spot. The beast is expected to be more diurnal.
Accompanied by the distant howls of the local hyenas, the party camps for a long rest of 8 hours. The group wakes up at 6am, with the sun, with no disturbances through the night. (6 camping supplies)

Stakk studies the map of the Southern Barrens looking at the path of the Wind Serpent. The group moves onward, though the party does manages to find a marsh losing a camp supplies. (5 remaining)

Around 1pm the heat of day has increased dramatically, increasing the levels of exhaustion for the group unexpectedly. (3pm) The party travels for another 4 hrs (9pm) and makes camp. The evening passes and the party wakes up at 5am just as the rays of dawn are starting to gleam over the horizon. (4 camp supplies remaining). Around 7am the party approaches a ravine with Take’s support, Seek spans the dramatically large ravine with a grappling hook and rope. The group scrambles and claws their way across the ravine saving several hours but exhausting themselves in the process.(9am) The group see tracks of Quillboar interesting those of the wind serpent. They also see a Quillboar camp. Slightly before 10:15 based on the alertness of the camp, the party uses the next 5 hours to avoid the camp and find the remaining g trail. Leading to a habited tipi with smoke coming out on the mountain. An undead female tends the camp fire with herbs. An undead forager of Camp Taurejo, Nova Flatseeker, informed the group that a large red wind serpent “washte pawne” by the locals. She marks the group’s map with a general area (very southeast, but about a day from the groups current location) where the beast is expected to make it’s home. She also mentions herb that grown near the creatures nests that she would be interested in acquire, the zepher blossom.
These blooms tend to grown a effervescent blue on exposure to magic.

(3:15 pm) The group progresses at a hard push until 10pm when they camp for the evening. On waking to the overcast morning the party notices the storm above the camp has a strong magic aura. Strongest in the distance in the direction of the serpent, speeding the travel of the group. The rain begins increasing to a heavy thunderstorm as the next few hours pass.
A few hours outside the nesting areas indicated by Nova Flatseeker the magical storm flows over the group. The serpent does not appear to notice the approach of the party, but the party notices signs that the beast is nearby.

Around noon, as the party continues to slog through the magical storm through the jungle. Rayven manages to poison himself with red mushrooms, being unable to speak for a blessed 10 minutes, adding a flourish to the party’s attempted stealth. The rain carries on with the sounds of high winds in the west. The party stumbles across the Washte Pawne as the rain continues to pour down.

The game comes to a pause with the group having 400 gold and 4 days camping supplies.

The game comes to a pause with the group having 400 gold and 3 days camping supplies.

Session 40

27th Voidshroud

Party Gold: 500G: 3 Camp supplies left

Note Taking Order:

Seek (Luddite)





Campaign Session: Battle Against the Washte Pawn

Scene: Mid-Battle Chaos

Setting: A stormy wasteland, dark clouds swirling ominously above. The ground is littered with charred remains and scorch marks, the air crackling with residual energy from previous lightning strikes.


  • Rayven the Barbarian: A fierce warrior, muscles rippling as they swing their massive axe with deadly precision.
  • Seek the Death Knight: A formidable presence, clad in dark armor, their blade glowing with necrotic energy.
  • Stakk the Warlock: A mysterious figure, weaving spells that shimmer with dark energy, their eyes glowing with eldritch power.
  • Kris the Sorcerer: A dynamic spellcaster, hands ablaze as they hurl fireballs with relentless fury.
  • Takei the Doom Bringer Cleric: A somber healer, radiating a dark aura, their staff both a source of life and death.

Encounter: The Washte Pawn

Creature: The Washte Pawn is a monstrous entity, towering over the adventurers with a body crackling with arcane energy. Its form is a blend of organic and metallic elements, pulsating with an inner light.


  • Lightning Blast: The Washte Pawn releases a massive blast of lightning, targeting multiple members of the party. This attack barely misses Rayven and Kris but inflicts heavy damage on others.
  • Random Lightning Strikes: Throughout the battle, the Washte Pawn sporadically throws lightning bolts, creating an unpredictable and chaotic environment.
  • Physical Attacks: It lashes out with sharp appendages, slicing through armor and flesh alike.

Battle Description:

The session begins mid-battle, the adventurers engaged in a fierce struggle against the Washte Pawn.

Rayven and Seek are at the forefront, their blades cutting through the creature’s tough exterior. Each strike sends sparks flying, the air thick with the scent of ozone and burnt flesh.

Stakk stands back, hands weaving intricate patterns as they summon devastating spells. Bolts of dark energy streak through the air, colliding with the Washte Pawn and leaving charred marks on its body.

Kris moves with agility, their hands glowing as they conjure fireballs. With a flick of their wrist, these fiery projectiles soar towards the creature, exploding on impact and adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

Takei remains focused, channeling their divine power to both heal their comrades and unleash necrotic energy upon the enemy. Their dual role is crucial, keeping the party alive while weakening the Washte Pawn.

The Washte Pawn retaliates with a massive lightning blast, striking most of the group. The intense energy courses through their bodies, causing searing pain and momentarily blinding them. Rayven and Kris manage to evade the worst of it, their quick reflexes saving them from severe harm.

As the battle rages on, the Washte Pawn continues to throw lightning bolts at random, creating an unpredictable and hazardous environment. The adventurers dodge and weave, doing their best to avoid the deadly strikes.

After several intense rounds of combat, the combined efforts of the party finally bring the Washte Pawn down. Its body collapses with a thunderous crash, the arcane energy dissipating into the air.


Exhausted but victorious, the adventurers attempt to skin the fallen Washte Pawn. However, their efforts are clumsy and unsuccessful, leaving them with little more than a few scraps of its hide.

DM Note: The poor skinning job may lead to future opportunities for the party to learn from their mistakes, perhaps seeking out a master skinner or magical assistance to properly harvest materials from such powerful creatures in the future.


The session ends with the party regrouping, tending to their wounds, and reflecting on the fierce battle they just endured. The storm begins to clear, revealing a glimpse of sunlight breaking through the clouds, a symbol of their hard-won victory and the challenges that lie ahead.

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Session 41

Note Taking Order:

Seek (Luddite)





Starts 27th of Voidshroud

Exultant over their victory of the Legendary Windserpent, the party sets about harvesting the creature for its organs, skin, and other usable remains. As luck would have it, Nighthour and Rayven gather some rare Zephyr Blossoms for the wandering herbalist/botanist the party came across, Quantity = 3. The party sets out and meets Nova Flatseeker at her camp. Completely absorbed in her study of the rare blossom, Nova agrees to make an unknown potion or elixir. After waiting the day for her to create the unique mixture, she presents the party with a powerful elixir, which Rayven consumes with the party’s blessings. The Zephyr Elixir she has created bestows Dexterity on the lucky barbarian!

Nighthour and Spinnock finagle Nova to work for them at the keep, cataloging and gathering the various herbs and fauna from the region. Cost = 1000 gp, which they are on the hook for as they currently do not have the liquid funds at hand!

On the 29th, the party sets out to Camp Taurajo. Upon waking and preparing to leave, a storm gathers above Rayven and deals a massive amount of damage in the form of a lightning bolt from the heavens! Seems not all are keen on what we have done! For a further 2 days as the party travels, Rayven is the target of otherworldly wrath and suffers repeated lightning bolts from above! Upon the 4th day of travel, the party reaches the camp and Rayven breathes a sigh of relief as he is no longer targeted.

Kris buys 2 decks of cards = -2 gold. The party sells the unused camp supplies for 150 gp. The party meets Jorn Skyseeker and informs him of the creature’s demise. He volunteers to utilize and make items for the party with the harvested materials. The party agrees to come back in a day to see what he has come up with. Nighthour hires an assorted group of tradespeople and the newly hired set off to the keep. The party meanders around and talks to the various denizens of the camp to check for fresh news. Akjash offers a scouting/raiding mission on the centaurs, which the party is keen to do but there is other unfinished business to attend to first! Mangletooth still wants the 2 bosses dead! After talking with the brigadier and the captain, the party gets a night’s sleep at the inn = -25 gold.

The party meets Jorn upon awakening and is presented with 5 wondrous items! A Vertebrae Whip for Takeshima, Stormscale Plate for Spinnock, Heartstring Amulet for Nighthour, a Lightning Glands Infusion for Stakk, and a Bag of Holding for the party. Thank you, Washte Pawne!

Party gold = 125 gp or so!

Session ends on the 2nd of Frostfall

Session 41

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

3rd of Frostfall

125 Gold

Session starts in Camp T

Ray wants to spend the last of our gold on whores but decides against it

Kris checks with the barkeep for responses to our post

We got replies from the following

Calligrapher female troll Kisho

Cartographer orc male Spilge

Cobbler orc male Xorag

Cook Tauren female Mooburger

Leatherworker troll male Xu’so

Mason female tauren Hatchi Summercreek

Potter female tauren Sokie Fogshot

Woodcarver undead human female Alycia Leandefiler

Kris Gives them directions to the keep and instructions on what to do when they get there. Basically find something to do and be useful.

We now need a trademaster/quartermaster

Kris updates our post to something more specific:


Keep Katabases looking for the following:

Quartermaster/Trademaster: experience coordinating large scale projects

Seamstress: experience with weaving, sewing, and dyeing

Magical Crafters and Alchemist’s: experience making potions and magical items, plant cultivation encouraged

Keep to provide compensation, lodging, and materials for long term contracts.

Stakk applies the lightning gland oil to his weapon

We spend 10 gold drinking

We seek out the brigadier to roll out on the next mission

He hands us a contract and blueprints of the buildings that we are going for

There are 6 targets for us including warehouses, infrastructure, and the main citadel

The location is heavily fortified

Our mission:

Drop in via zep at night

Plant the charges

Get out before 1st light

Velmora shows us the mana bombs.

They are about the size of a bundle of dynamite and are activated by pressing the button and thinking of a time for the explosion to go off.

3000 gp per person who comes back + 1 item

We borrow the following

Rope and grappling hooks

Thieves tools

Mundane armor for those who have currently noisy armor

Mission timeline so far:

9pm jumped out of the ship

915pm landed

1030pm to make it to the location and scout it out

  • We get a fairly decent lay of the land and the locations of the buildings.

Session 42

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

4th of Frostfall

125 Gold

Session starts in Camp T about 10:30
Unfortunately Takeshii shattered his leg on landing, resulting in him being left out of range from the mission.
There is a large encampment of people off to the West of the base and there appears to be a large amount of activity and people at the high rise of the base
Plan: seek casting invisibility on Seek and Ray (lasting 1hr) on front 2 buildings
3/4/5th buildings Badger patrol Stakk will be polymorphed in to a mole badger, Kris will follow along behind planning the bombs with the idea of planting the bombs under the buildings.
6th building on the top of the hill.
Bomb target explosions at 4am.
The bedrock of the camp is assumed to be mostly rock.
Seek and Ray proceed though the area of broken wall first. Working their way quietly toward the door of the garrison picking their way through the gate, dropping the first bomb in the garrison.
Seek and Ray work their way along the base of the hill to the second set of stairs.
As Kris and Stakk attempt to burrow up into the basement of the storage warehouse, two centaurs attempt to kill the rodent, Stakk luckily manages to escape back down the tunnel.
Seek and Ray have an argument with a rock and breaking invisibility, and they continue to work there way towards the next building.
Kris and Stakk burrow to the other end of the warehouse and manage to successfully activate and hide the bomb. They go back down the hole and work their way towards building 3#.
Ray climbs up to the second floor ledge and manages to activate/plant the bomb through the window.
Kris and Stakk while attempting to get into warehouse #3 irritated the guards and ducked back down the hole without getting caught sealing it behind them.

About 35 min have passed
Seek and Ray have another brush with centaurs directly at them while trying to get into the 5th building.
Kris and Stakk manage to place their second bomb on the 3rd try.

Seek and Ray give up on getting into the 5th building.
The group meets up on the NorthWest ledge to group up and renew their spells.

Session 43

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

4th of Frostfall

125 Gold

Rayven, under the effects of an invisibility spell, keeps a close watch on the centaurs inside Building 5, while Kris and Stakk use Mold Earth to dig down one level in an attempt to infiltrate the building. However, they miscalculate and fall, though their landing is cushioned. Meanwhile, Spinnock acts as a lookout, observing everything from a distance.

Seeing that they’ve landed near the lower floor of Building 5, Kris uses Mold Earth again to bury the bomb in the basement, successfully setting up the second-to-last charge. Sensing their progress, Rayven moves towards Building 6 to plant the final bomb, but halfway there, he remembers he had given his bomb to Kris. He quickly doubles back to rejoin the team.

As Rayven makes his way back, Kris and Stakk are spotted by the centaurs. Spinnock, seeing the danger, jumps down the hole to join them. A fierce battle erupts, with Kris, Stakk, and Spinnock facing off against four centaurs. The fight is intense—Kris’s magical vertebrae strikes inflict massive damage, with Stakk dealing powerful blows alongside her. Spinnock keeps the centaurs off-balance, while Stakk endures their attacks, taking the brunt of the damage.

A centaur caster hurls a fireball, causing significant damage and blowing out part of a nearby wall. From behind the rubble, a centaur charges, catching Stakk off guard and knocking him unconscious. Hearing the explosion, Rayven rushes back to the scene, only to find the centaurs have vanished.


Ray was stargazing on the roof in the middle of the enemy camp, Seek pricks himself with a dagger, causing his concentration to fail and reveal him and ray before the battle began.

Additionally, the centaur caster was released from hold person when Seek casted Spirit shroud. Allowing for the fireball to be thrown.

Session 44

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

4th of Frostfall Incident Report

The party engaged Centaur guards and casters who had been alerted to their presence. During the battle, both Spinnock and Nighthour were incapacitated, but despite these casualties, the party managed to overcome their enemies and secure victory.

Following the battle, Stakk and the barbarian, using Nighthour’s earlier descriptions, explored the surrounding rooms. They discovered a chamber filled with a substantial amount of gold as well as a powerful artifact. This artifact was found to have the ability to resurrect fallen allies but required a large quantity of gold to activate.

The party decided to use the artifact to resurrect Spinnock and Nighthour. The resurrection process consumed a portion of the recovered gold. After the artifact was used, the party’s total remaining gold increased to 2,625, having started with 125 gold before the battle. In addition to the gold, the group recovered several valuable gems: 2 emeralds, 1 ruby, 1 amethyst, 2 topaz, and 2 sapphires.

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

4th of Frostfall
2625 gold

Seek and Kris resurrect and the rez pot shattered after.Kris casts a huge heal to top off the group. We hide the bodies and clean the area, then plant the last bomb

The group tunnels out of the camp.

Before we leave the area we hear a loud horn from the camp and see the centaurs filing out of the main building.We count our blessings that we made out in time and head to the pick up point.Just before we make it there, we meet up with Nick and continue on.

We make it to the pickup point and wait for the ship.

Kris remembers that she did not pick up her bone necklace

We get our loot

20k gold

+2300 from the cave

7th of frostfall


We make it back to Camp T
Kris tells the brigadier general what we saw during our mission

She wants us to scout - Looks for evidence of Quilboar/Centaur collusion

We go to visit Brawl to look at some wares

Hes already been bought out of most of his good gear but he has a shipment due tomorrow

Same for sagewind

Ray buys a barrel of weed for 100 gold

Note Taking Order:
Seek (Luddite)

4th of Frostfall
24,525 gold
Beginning at Camp T
Some of the party celebrates with the high quality smoke until the late evening. Ray and Nick wake up in a rather compromising position. Heads in each other’s laps and appendages in places best left to the imagination.

Stakk heads into the bar to greet the day with a Bloody Mary for the price of a gold. Ray follows suite ordering his with more horseradish, resulting in a better drink.

Stakk tries to start a conversation with the Brigadier General Delnora in regards to his rewards item for the previously completed mission. Ray attempts to gain the favors of the Brigadier. Stakk receives Boots of the Earthshaker.

Nick and Ray engage in slapstick comedy routine flirting towards the Brigadier General and Captain Emkath. As the endgame of this gaining another pair of enchanted boots. Somehow they succeed taking both upstairs.

Seek and Kris head to SageWind for healing potions:
Prices as such:

  • 150 Gold Common
  • 500 Gold Uncommon –(1 left after talking with the General RageTotem)
  • 1500 Gold Rare
  • 3000 Gold Very Rare –(1 left after talking with the General RageTotem)

Stakk notices that these prices are about double than the ones in Orgramar, and mentions it loudly. SageWind is non-pulsed.

After walking away the trio takes a look at Brol’s arrived inventory: 3 necklaces of unexpected value

  • 18,500 Gold Silver w Sapphire Amulet of the Stormcaller (lightening damage)
  • 15,000 Gold Bronze w Ruby Emberheart Talisman (upgradable to full immunity to fire damage)
  • 13,700 Gold Gold w Emerald Amulet of Verdant Serenity (Healing)

Ray receives a mental message from Baron, Davion Burch from Keep Shadowfang.
The Baron relays that he was informed that 2 weeks ago a figure named Gul’dan was meeting with Jaraxxus, resulting in an energy spike progressing towards building a permanent portal to realm with the burning legion, using the lay line under StormGuard.

Historical Notes from Sending Stone:

A. Lord Xavius requires assistance in securing the Shadowfang Keep from Sylvanas, send troops immediately.
B. Rendezvous with Kilrogg in the Blasted Lands, report when you have arrived.
1. Brutallus is meeting him there.
C. Contact Lord Magtheridon when you have secured 200 more souls and are en route to Winterspring, and then the ritual can commence.
D. Report to Lord Kazzak in Swamp of Sorrows once construction of the Ziggurat has finished.
E. Gul’dan will arrive at the agreed upon location on the 15th of Shadowmoon. Ensure that the mana crystals are ready and on site.
Lord Jaraxxus has uncovered an ancient power at the troll ruins in Arathi Highlands, contact the Zandalari and have them send a contingent of troops to meet with ours.

15th of Shadowmoon, is 1.5 Months from now

Don’t forget Ragnaros is partially responsible for the current uprising of the centaurs.

Kris, Seek, and Stakk go to speak with General RageTotem
As they try to convince her to get a decent price on health potions for the group Ak’Jash, Archdruid Garan and Byula BloodHoof approach the party to give the reminder to find evidence of Ragnaros’s corruption seeping into the Quilboor, while scouting the Quilboor tribes.
Archdruid Garon apprised the trio that there has been a significant energy flux, indicating that time is becoming more important in finding Ragnaro’s.
They give the group more specific information on the Northern tribe of Quilboor.

The note from General RageTotem results in a 10% discount on the two remaining potions, 1 uncommon, and 1 very rare.

The party total healing potions:

  • Common x1
  • Uncommon x2
  • Very Rare x1
    21,372 gold remaining

The trio, also purchases from Brol
15,000 Gold Bronze w Ruby Emberheart Talisman (upgradable to full immunity to fire damage)
6,372 gold remaining
Brol does offer to hold the following necklace for 2 months for a down payment of 4,000
18,500 Gold Silver w Sapphire Amulet of the Stormcaller (lightening damage)
2,372 gold remaining

Seek asks Nick to contact Elder Doom Bloodgrave though his remaining magic ring, to arrange replacements for the rest of the group. Bloodgrave gives the impression that he is currently absorbed in a pressing task. Nick plans to try again in a few hours.

When Kris lovingly slaps the shit out of Nick to heal him from the ropes and carnal torture he has a unexpected flash response. The party is amused but not surprised, the Brigadier seems happily sated.

Ray borrows Nick’s ring to talk to DeathPig, this results in the deterioration of DeathPig’s understanding of female anatomy. Nick kicks Ray in the nuts and takes back the ring, he finds that there is no strong history between the Keep Quilboor and the tribes we’re looking into.

The party swings by Katabasis Hold (our hold also known as NorthWatch Hold) and picks up the 3 following Quilbor.

  • Akkos- Quilboor leader
  • Cresan- Quilboor leader
  • DeathPig- Ringholder and Acting Rep of the party at the Keep
    And progress on to just North of Thorn Hill the expected site of the Northernmost tribe of Quilboor.