Azeroth D&D Campaign Log - Myrkulverse

10-26-23 Session 19 Golden Harvest 16

9,561 Gold Pieces







  Picking up after a long rest in the cells the band of undead Myrkulites and one sexy very much alive Troll Myrkulite continue their way thru SFK. Before Continuing Wraith bust out the celly (aka sending stone) and contacted Lady Sylavnis to give her a heads up of the group we sent to Scarlet Monastery and give a update of the progress. Upon hearing of burning legion trying to open a portal. She asked to be contacted at the end of the day if not cleared. Working their way thru the door from the skeleton room to find they are in the hallway. After checking on the right side there was nobody in sight. To the left was another hallway. Yavo worked his way up to check down the hallway. Upon inspection it is seen that there is a giant cock diesel demon is seen. it is decided that we will pull him to the door of the skeleton room. Yavo decides to engage the mantastic demon and is able to blow a hole into him with a magic bullet. Near death the demon works his way up the hall with all his friends 3 bladecreeps and a butcher. After getting smacked around Yavo makes it back to the doorway where he is able to get yonked in by Vanray and Raith. The group is able to take out the butcher and bloodcreeps with some well places attacks and fireballs. The Vin Diesel Demon Moth again near death is finished off by the mighty Spinnock while Vanray was in his favorite position...His Back...After some healing the group proceeds down the hallway where they find the source of all the statues in the keep. Vaniah summons her Slaag and sends him around the corner where he is insta murked by Skarnok. The Front liners decide to rush Skarnock and get a few good shots in before Raith decides to hit him with Banishment sending him back to the Neither Plain. After a few minutes Skarnock uses a spell (whosdads made up spell) that brings himself back. Unfazed by his reappearance the group re engages Skarnock even as he re animates some of his statues he has made. After defeating Skarnock the group loots the corpse and room. Upon inspection we found a Trident of Abyssal Tides, 1 uncommon healing potion and 2 common healing potions on Skarnock and in a hidden floor tile they find and they find a puch with gems in it. Inside is emerald, ruby, and a amethyst. The crew decides to take a short rest before proceeding. After the rest the party moves to a doorway leading to the ramparts. Yavo summons his Hogwarts owl to go out and scope the area. Outside it is a buffet of different demons totaling 8. Some flying, some giant, some small but all deadly. The session end with the group debating its next move. We dont know what we will do, But it def wont be anything Vanray suggest.

10-26-23 Session 19 Golden Harvest 16

9,561 Gold Pieces







Picking up after a long rest in the cells the band of undead Myrkulites and one sexy very much alive Troll Myrkulite continue their way thru SFK. Before Continuing Wraith bust out the celly (aka sending stone) and contacted Lady Sylavnis to give her a heads up of the group we sent to Scarlet Monastery and give a update of the progress. Upon hearing of burning legion trying to open a portal. She asked to be contacted at the end of the day if not cleared. Working their way thru the door from the skeleton room to find they are in the hallway. After checking on the right side there was nobody in sight. To the left was another hallway. Yavo worked his way up to check down the hallway. Upon inspection it is seen that there is a giant cock diesel demon is seen. it is decided that we will pull him to the door of the skeleton room. Yavo decides to engage the mantastic demon and is able to blow a hole into him with a magic bullet. Near death the demon works his way up the hall with all his friends 3 bladecreeps and a butcher. After getting smacked around Yavo makes it back to the doorway where he is able to get yonked in by Vanray and Raith. The group is able to take out the butcher and bloodcreeps with some well places attacks and fireballs. The Vin Diesel Demon Moth again near death is finished off by the mighty Spinnock while Vanray was in his favorite positionā€¦His Backā€¦After some healing the group proceeds down the hallway where they find the source of all the statues in the keep. Vaniah summons her Slaag and sends him around the corner where he is insta murked by Skarnok. The Front liners decide to rush Skarnock and get a few good shots in before Raith decides to hit him with Banishment sending him back to the Neither Plain. After a few minutes Skarnock uses a spell (whosdads made up spell) that brings himself back. Unfazed by his reappearance the group re engages Skarnock even as he re animates some of his statues he has made. After defeating Skarnock the group loots the corpse and room. Upon inspection we found a Trident of Abyssal Tides, 1 uncommon healing potion and 2 common healing potions on Skarnock and in a hidden floor tile they find and they find a puch with gems in it. Inside is emerald, ruby, and a amethyst. The crew decides to take a short rest before proceeding. After the rest the party moves to a doorway leading to the ramparts. Yavo summons his Hogwarts owl to go out and scope the area. Outside it is a buffet of different demons totaling 8. Some flying, some giant, some small but all deadly. The session end with the group debating its next move. We dont know what we will do, But it def wont be anything Vanray suggest.

11-02-23 Session 21 Golden Harvest 17

9,561 Gold Pieces








While standing vapor locked in a hallway, staring out on the ramparts of Shadowfang Keep contemplating their next move, Myrkuls faithful found themselves interrupted by the unceremonious but always welcome arrival of Elder Doom Bloodgrave. With very little fanfare, the venerable one quickly informed the team that Rohanon services were needed for a covert mission elsewhere in the world. In his stead, the knight Gannon would be joining the team to offer his special brand of mental jujitsu in support of the current mission to clear Shadowfang keep.

With minimal greetings, for a brother is after all a brother before all, the decision was quickly made to attempt to taunt the ā€œlarge and in chargeā€ demon at the end of the ramparts directly in front of the crew. Combining a low res cantrip illusion from Atticus and Vanrays vocal encouragement, it was quickly determined that the demon was too dumb to take the bait so, as before, Yavo place a well-placed bullet into the stubborn brute, and it was game on.

The demonā€™s tactical brilliance was quickly on display as the flying formation used their speed to arrive first, quickly flying into the hallway and proving without doubt, demons ainā€™t smart. Gannon brought forth a large snake, straight out his pants and into battle, grappling demons and holding them for slaughter. The look of envy on Vanrays face was brief but easily noticed. Soon the sound of demon wings was done, and the remaining, less mobile demons began to be a hasty and cowardly retreat.

Giving chase onto the ramparts, Myrkuls merciless mercenaries barreled out of the hallway in hot pursuit. With a combination of flaming smoke, thorny ground, yoinking and some Vanray dwarf tossing for flavor, the battle ended with not a demon standing, and several much flatter on the ground below the ramparts. After much forethought and brilliant stratagem, the remaining corpses were also disposed of over the wall before the crew retreated to the keepā€™s kitchen for some refreshments and a long rest.

The following morning, following a well-cooked repast and some stout coffee, the crew headed back out to the ramparts and onward to the third floor of the keep. After coming up some winding stairs and through a hallway, they found themselves in an oddly shaped room with an upper balcony all around. Battle was quickly joined as another troop of demons on guard was encountered. Apart from the usual fat boy, cleaver bitches and spiky fuckers, there was some manner of caster. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for the team, his death was so swift as to not reveal threat he theoretically would have posed. Exactly as it should be.

This battle proved a refreshing diversion and a nice morning exercise for the team, and they were eager to press forward until Yavo pointed out the large metal door into the next portion of the keep is radiating extreme warmth. There is bound to be a hot time in the old keep awaiting on the other side!

On Behalf of Seek

11-15-23 Session 22 Golden Harvest 18+

9,561 Gold Pieces


Having dispatched a small group of demons, the party ventures down an ominously heated hallway to confront the Demon Lord Xavius. However, Xavius has a pet demonhound that the party must deal with first. After a hectic battle, the party emerges singed but triumphant. Continuing onwards, they face Xavius, a sporting demon who offers the party an unknown potion to drink to make things fair. Some drink, some donā€™t. Behold, they were healing potions of an unknown origin. After a hard-fought battle, the Demon Lord is slain, thus foiling the Leyline tapping ritual.

Through a captured sending stone that the party activates in a most unorthodox way, they learn from a familiar-sounding voice that there is yet another Ley Line that may be in danger. After conversing with Silvanus (spelling uncertain) and taking a long rest, the party decides to head to Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn to finance their newly acquired Keep and to have a Teleport Portal installed. Loot is distributed, and the party sets off on their new adventure until Silvanus calls upon them again.

11-16-23 Session 22 9210 Gold Golden Harvest 25

We decide Rayven will get the keep we just took, heā€™ll be closer to Sylvanus that way. On the way back to Brill we get attacked by a Black Dragon, who immediately spews poison over everyone! We slay it quickly and get to Brill. Rayven hits the bar and spreads the news of our heroic deeds. Yavo joins him after buying a potion and is crowned the beer chug King! Atticus visits the enchanter to talk about his tongs. We Identified and appraised some gems, Rayven keeps 1. Yavo and Rayven meet a couple hotties have a few drinks and take them upstairs. Yavo has a great time but Rayven is not up to the occasion, Yavo is down a potion and Rayven has revenge on his mind.

We teleported to Booty Bay on the 25th of Goldenharvest and offload some extra items and grab some potions. We head to the arena and enter ourselves into the competition. Round 1 we clean house, almost no damage. Same for 2 but we take some moderate damage on 3. Aticus gets smacked around in round 4 but the rest are OK. The 5th Round is a summoner. It was a tough battle that rattled Vaniah, but we make it through.

Side notes: 22nd of Goldenharvest Yavoā€™s fortress is finished. On the 23rd Rohanon now has +1 wisdom from the pearl.

12/20/2023 Session 23
Gold 43460

Resuming the gauntlet the boys continue short handed losing Vaniah and Raith, But also get the mighty Rahanon back. Deciding to bow out at round 10 after the guys wanted to preserve the money they have already earned instead of risking. They won 34250 gold in ten rounds. After the fight they are met by ez and informed there is someone at the bar inquiring about them. The guys head to the bar and are met by Zotis and he says some stuff that whosdad will remember. Also contacted by Yavos keep, they are informed of a problem with the mines at the keep.

Editors notes: Group approached by a hooded figure named Zotus who, based on their performance, invited the party to come to a more exclusive and more lucrative underground fighting ring that changes locations. The group was handed a sending stone.

Akjash contacted the group and said Thrall and Volā€™jin wanted to talk to the group.

Deathpig also called saying that they needed help at the keep.

By Sluggo,

1-16-24 Voidshroud 1, Session 24, 40,110 Gold

Triumphant in the arena our intrepid crew leave gurubashi arena and catch a portal to ogrimar to visit Thrall . he informs the party that barriers are weakening an archdruid has been monitoring . we are informed that we will need to at some point in the not to distant future we will need to head to Mt Hyjel and assist the cenarion circle in ensuring Ragnaros cannot return ! we get to see an orcish marriage ceremony and poor ray is now on the hook for child support thanks to his loss to da wife. After much merriment the party decides to head to Northwatch Hold, Arriving at the 1st of voidshroud. Deathpig reports that the mine they opened has been causing casualties amongst the work crew. On initial exploration Spinnock realized that this has the possibility of being very lucrative due to the various mineral content The party decides to clear the critters spiders, and thats where we left off ! More critters to kill yet . ā€¦335 gold spent to portal and 3000 gold for 2 healing potions !

New note-taking order




Kris (needs website perms)


Seek (Luddite)


Session 25 1st of Voidshroud
Starting gold: 40,000

-Takeshima and Stakk join up
-Meet the rest of the team in the mines
-Killed the Broodmother and tons of spiders
-Found Kris and she joined the team
-Continued deeper into the mine and found a crap load of skeletons.
-Kris fired off her first fireball!

Ending gold: 40,000

Session 26
1st of Voidshroud

Staring gold 40,000

-Finished fight with Skeletons

-Myrkulā€™s Ethereal Goose is now called Bloodquack (from last session)

-Looted mystery chest using an iron key found in the mine

-Found 2x Mithril Ore samples

-Stakk heard breathing from something further in the cave

-Lord Rayvan heard sounds of water in the other direction

-Party decided to go towards the water

-Found a pool of water in with 2 shadowy water elementals and two shadowy stone elementals

-Defeated the elemental group

-Found cracked shadow earth and cracked shadow water cores

-Short rest

-Party went towards the breathing sound from earlier

-Rayvan noticed one cave in trap, then stepped on a second cave in trap

-The passage behind us is now blocked off

-We are now trapped in this part of the cave

-Ending gold 40,000

Session 27
Starting gold 40,000
Ending gold 40,000

When ray stepped on the trap he also injured his foot from last session. So he sit on the side and licks his wounds like a crying squire.
team slowly moves up afraid of more traps and as the team continues Squire Stakk remembers the familiar sound of breathing he heard earlier.
The team navigated to an opening with three directions while checking out the options one sounded like water, one gave off little information the last one seems to insight a small draft on the candle that was used.
The party decided to go to tunnel with the small draft and after a little bit of travel in this tunnel the party ran into a shadow hydra which the party ended up killing.
After checking the inside of multiple carts on the pathway and only found iron.
The party found the room before the cave in happened but realized there was more to this cave, so the party backtracked to where the wounded ray was crying.
The group had to choose between north and east and the group choose the east route which is to the unknown.
We run into a Shadeclaw Dragonkin who is a follower of Ragnaros to prep for his coming and he says the time is close for his master to emerge.
We attempted to get some information out of him but we ended up in a fight and killing him. On his death he summoned a Shadow Revenant Dragon who is wreaking havoc on the party.
Yavo Failed the wisdom saved is affected by umbral rift and is restrained until next turn. Where he will take another wisdom save.

The note order is:
Seek (Luddite)

So next week Kris will be the note taker.

Session 28
2nd of Voidshroud (ending in Rachet)
Starting gold 40,000
Ending gold 40,000

Note: Shadow Revenant Dragon, immune to necrotic damage, not immune to fire damage
When Hearing the party in distress Rayven runs to find the party. Kris learns to heal, sort of. Stakk/Spinnock is killed by an empowered bite of the dragon. Rayven/Vanray arrives at the battle. After several actions of the party the dragon summoned umberal rift from his layer. Stakk/Spinnock is revived! Takei proceeds to continue to attack the dragon. Takei continues to attack the dragon. Ray/Rohanon takes psychic damage from the dragon. Stakk lands a strong blow to the dragon with double eldritch blast. The dragon retaliates, downing Vanray/Rayven before moving on to attack Rohanon. Yavo/Nick lands the killing blow on the dragon with a Rayven ball bonus. Yavo administers a health potion suppository to Vanray/Rayven reviving him with a rectal blow-out, staining Yavoā€™s boots.
The dragon was skinned for 10lbs of extraordinary thick leather, itā€™s warm to the touch and appears to absorb light. In the dim light of the caverns the leather appears almost invisible.
Rohana wounds after the battle have left him wounded and weary, needing to remain in the cavern for the remainder of the session. The rest of the group elected to take a short rest.
The group headed West down into the mine, searching for gems and secret passages. The group then meandered around the mine trying to find new areas of the mine eventually doubling back to a previously untried norther tunnel. Finding no treasure, the group leaves the mine.

Keep and Mine Upkeep:
The Quilbor are to extract the existing mithril, iron, tin and copper from the mine. This results in monthly collections for the adventurers. A group of Quibor are sent to the mine with strict instructions not to open any new areas without the groupā€™s direct supervision.
The ownership of the mine goes to Kris/Nighthour. The group starts to make arrangements to make the mine operational and erect a shrine to Myrkul.
The Quilbor are established to be uneducated but extraordinarily capable.
Contractors have established in the keep:
-a dry dock for the harbor
The keep still needs:
-leather artisan
-engineer (specialty in weaponry/explosions)

The Party Needs to Plan for the Keep (NorthWatch Hold):
ā€¢What do they want people doing?
ā€¢How will they manage the keep?
ā€¢What will they do with the ore?
ā€¢Do you want to hire a tradesman?
ā€¢What kind of professions type people do you want at the keep?

The party plans to take the boat to visit Rachet in search of machine guns. They take the boat (2-3 days) to the bustling market place that is Rachet. A collaboration of races most of which working for the Steamwheedle Cartel.
They were suggested to speak with at journeyman if the party was interested in contracting someone to train people in house to work with mithral etc. They were recommended to dun moro (dwarf) or the crossroods etc. In summary, the party should not expect to find a good recruit in this area.
The party progressed to the tavern. The party should recruit a well established journeyman that is not quite a master.
The party proceeds to go to the town hall to speak with the logistic manager.
Nick needs to find a leatherworkerā€¦heā€™s holding alot of leather.

The group should contact the troll/wizard Akā€™jash, who has been one of the major contacts to Volgen and Throll (reprisenatives to orc and toll races)
She was also present in clearing out the NorthWatch Hold that the group now occupies.

World Languages:
Common - the common tongue
Gnomish - language of the Gnomes
Tauren - language of the Torren
Zandali - language of the Trolls
Elvish - language of the Elves
Dwarfish - language of the Dwarves
Orcish - Language of the Orcs
Gutterspeak (undead)
Abyssal ā€“ language of celestial/elemental
Infernal - Demonic/elemental
Celestial ā€“ language of celestial/elemental
Deep speech - language of the underdark
Draconic - language of the dragons
Primordial - language of the elemental
Undercommon - language of the underdark elves

The note order is:
Seek (Luddite)

So next week Rayven will be the note taker.

March 14, 2024
From Slugoo
Session 29
2nd of Voidshroud (ending in Rachet)
Starting gold 40,000
Ending gold 33,950

  1. Starting off in Ratchet on the second of Voidshroud the party sets off to Ogrimar to seek Journeymen tradesfolk to build and maintain the various facilities needed to grow and set up lucrative traderoutes with the materials the mine and the countryside provide. A job posting was posted on Ogrimars community trade/job center ,One interested journeyman * Lash the blacksmith * does show and is employed by the party . The party visits Feylin and purchases 9 healing potions 4 commons 3 uncommons & 2 rares total cost 2550 gp Rayven visits Malak the leatherworker and has a set of leather armor made from the Shadowdragon leather the party retained after skinning said dragon ! 1000 gp -2 day wait The party visits Kesea the jeweler to peruse his wares and decides to pass for now. Wanting to placate his pregnant wife Rayven has a conversation with his wifeys sister and she informs him what she has been wanting is a new Focus staff . Rayven visits the appropriate shop and buys her a beautiful runecovered ebon staff 2500 gp Pleased with the gift she takes Rayven outside and pounds him again before dragging him up to their bedroom for a night of private mayhem . While attending a private dinner with Thrall and friends he makes mention of the fact he has not heard from the Cenarion circle . He also mentions that the Crossroads is seeking aid and adventurers . the party heads off to the crossroads . total travel time for the party spent is 10 days . Loot gained = Shadowweave Cheongsam leather armor *ac base 12 + 3 leather armor that provides stealth to the wearer !

Session 30
Starting Gold 33,950 Gold
8th of Voidshroud

We sail down to our Keep (to be named) in our boat and head to the Crossroads. We meet up with Sgt Thork who needs our help against a horde of Centaurs. If we find his satchel, heā€™ll reward us 500G. We also see a mostly empty job board, thereā€™s a reward for some stolen goods on it by Dorna. We speak with Senā€™Jin, a Snake Humanoid who is not a bad guy who has a map of an ancient ruins, he wants us to find it and loot some artifacts for him. Dorna explains a whole grip of bandits robbed them, 40+ of a mixed group, sheā€™s offering 10% of the profits of whatā€™s returned.

Vanray gambles away his flask for a week with the leader Boorand, he finds out this area will be needing a lot of help. Zixx from the Steamwheedle Cartel is looking for clues on a cult thatā€™s interrupting trade. If we find kill and loot them, we can keep what we get. The potion dealer Helbrim has an animal friendship potion, philter of love & a potion of flying. Segra Darkthron is here looking for beasts for trophies.

We get to the Oasis and set up an ambush on the Centaurs. The ambush activates and we beat them down pretty good, we notice bomb fires being lit around us. Wweā€™re pretty sure more centaurs are a comin, so we continue the beatdown. Stakk hits one centaur so hard Vanray gets covered in itā€™s blood, guts and shit (ew stinky!). As weā€™re cleaning up the last of the centaurs from the ambush we hear and see another group approaching. The next battle commences! Mid battle Spinnock sees a 3rd group comingā€¦.

Session 31
Starting Gold 33,950
8th of Voidshroud

We fought 2 rounds against centaurs. Ray and Stakk talking about retreating like wussies.

Th end

The note order is:






Seek (Luddite)


8th of Voidshroud

Our battle with the centaurs continues. We are hilariously outnumbered. Stakk and Takeshii are knocked unconscious. Rayvan attempts unsuccessfully to issue a warriors challenge with one of the centaurs. After he is refused, he tries to parlay with the centaur leader. Also unsuccessful. Kris is knocked unconscious. Seek is knocked out as well, followed by Rohanon.

Rohanon hears a horn in the distance as he gets knocked out. We wake up with half health. No armor or weapons. Takeshii casts a small heal on the group. Rayvan speaks with the guard - brother of one of the centaurs that he knocked out during battle. He says were going to be here for a long time. He left to get us food. Looks like heā€™s going to take a while coming back.

Session 33

The note order is:

  • Rohanon
  • Stakk
  • Takeshii
  • Kris
  • Rayven
  • Seek (Luddite)
  • Navyvetnick

Kris creates two spell focuses. Rayven makes a lockpick out of cave rock formation. Kris uses firebolt and cave stones to make drinkable water.
Kris casts, Natureā€™s Bounty with excellent results.Each of the party members eat a berry for +4 HP and fully fed for the next 24 hrs. (4 berries remain)

Kris casts Polymorph on Raysel who leaves the cell with a +5 stealth bonus via Takeā€™s guidance. Smelling the air as he goes. He discovered a second set of doors, also closed and he was unable to get around them.

He also discovered, further into the cave, a paddock with 3 centaurs speaking in the undecipherable language. They hear him moving and he freezes like a scared animal and disappears around a corner. After discovering several spring fed pools he notices 2 more centaurs. He works his way back to the doors next to the cell.
Scents of fire and metal working seep through the doors, as if it is an active forge but with no sound of current activity. Rayven/Stakk/Kris/Seek all eat the remainder of the berries for 4HP each. They attempts a long rest. A separate centaur comes by and deposits some semi-edible bread and t ell s the party to make due with the cave water. Later there is a visit from the original guard, mentioning how important it is that we hang on until the leaders arrival. Leaving the impression that it would be unwise to still be here when the leader arrives.

After Ray is transformed into a cockroach, he finds that there is a forge through one of the sets of doors. Ray feels drawn towards some of the weapons for no obvious reason.

Through the other set of doors, there is a secondary tunnel that appears to have slightly fresher air than the rest of the caves.

Ray has the cockroack morph release while he is out of the cell and proceeds to pick the lock. The party proceeds to the weapon forge. The weapons have an odd pull to the entire party. On further investigation it appears that the groups weapons have been reforged into other weapons. The party attempts to select from the assorted weapons.

  • Ray: longsword (secondary), war hammer(main), heavy crossbow,
  • Seek: 2 short swords (light), (feat dual wealder), plate amour (2 rapiers in reserve)
  • Stak: warglaive and studded leather armor
  • Kris: rapier, 2 short swords

Rohanna and Takki will be selecting their weaponry in the next session, Takki will be taking notes next session.

Session 34

The note order is:

  • Rohanon
  • Stakk
  • Takeshii
  • Kris
  • Rayven
  • Seek (Luddite)
  • Navyvetnick

Starting GP 0
Stuff got taken from before so Takeshi and Roh got their equipment
The team searched the dungeon we got put into and every obtained some basic gear since ours was taken away from us when we were captured.
the team navigates through a passway to the west that leads near an exit.
Ray snuck up behind a clueless guard and got grappled and knocked out by the team.
Ray kepts being sneaky and we dispatched another guard.
We turned a corner and ran into a group of enemies and are in the middle of a fight to kill them quickly and as quietly as possible.

Session 35: Fire and Fury

After a fierce battle, we manage to defeat the centaurs we were fighting. As we search for an exit, more centaurs spot us and shout, ā€œCapture them! Chieftain Morphobus will be back later, and they must be ready!ā€ At first, there are four centaurs, but as Rayven moves closer, their numbers swell to seven, heavily outnumbering us.

Their leader, Elder Aeseus, conjures a wall of fire, blocking our path. Undeterred, we charge through the flames, taking significant damage. The ensuing battle is brutal. We fight with all our might, but the centaurs inflict severe wounds on us. Despite our efforts, we are all injured, some of us bleeding heavily, before we manage to bring one of them down.

Kris tends to our wounds, while Takei unleashes a wave of dark energy that both damages the centaurs and heals Rayven. The fight continues, with each of us dealing as much damage as we can while barely clinging to life. Elder Aeseus casts a third fireball, knocking Stakk out and nearly killing the rest of us. The centaurs continue their assault, and Rayven falls unconscious.

In a desperate move, Takei takes out another centaur. Rohanan, with a precise strike, brings down Elder Aeseus, leaving only one enemy remaining. As we struggle to our feet, Takei revives Rayven, and Kris brings Stakk back to consciousness. With the last centaur still threatening us, Spinnock seizes the moment, driving a dagger into its back and finishing it off.


The battle leaves us battered and bruised, but our determination and teamwork see us through an almost impossible fight. We search the fallen enemies and find a pendant with a flame signet. Exiting the dungeon, we see an oasis with hundreds of centaur tracks leading in all directions. Recognizing the imminent threat, we decide to head to the Cross Roads to regroup and prepare for the centaur invasion.

As we journey, we notice smoke on the horizon and proceed with caution. Eventually, we make our way to the Cross Roads, only to find devastation. Everything is leveled and destroyed. The Cross Roads is no more.

We search the ruins and Rayven finds Boorand Plainswinā€™s body, recovering his own flask from it. Among the rubble, we also find the bodies of Dorna, Zixx, and the Sergeant who had sent us on this mission. However, there is no sign of Senā€™jinā€”perhaps he made it out alive?

Amidst the ruins, Rayven suggests heading to Camp Taurajo to regroup and decide our next move. With heavy hearts but resolute spirits, we set out once more, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.