Myrkulverse D&D Campaign Log - Iron Kingdoms

Began with Lord Rayven being in the process of being shackled by Lt. Vanderay, in the guard post. Squire Roofer suggested that perhaps the man who gave the deceased the cursed item was to blame for the slaying. Lt. Vanderay reasoned that it would be left to the courts. Lord Nerion, argued that shade was a threat and that the source of the threat was deceased and that he still posed a potential danger if more shades had appeared or been summoned by the deceased. Squire Roofer suggested that in the heat of battle the battle-hardened will engage in combat until the threats are decisively dealt with. Lt. Vanderay exasperatedly agreed to accept the sum of 1000g to consider the matter resolved. The party accepted his proposal and all 3 freely left the guard post. Squire Roofer, asked the guards on duty to let the Guard Elliot know that Rolling Thunder who killed his partner is in the custody of the Mercenary Guild at the Iron Gut.

Lord Nerion, split off from Lord Rayven and Squire Roofer to get some supplies and food for his Minibadger Sqwee. Squire Roofer accompanied Lord Rayven back to their property which is still in the process of being renovated by the 19 myrkulyte workers. Lord Rayven commenced to further proselytize to the newly faithful to try and observe if any appeared lacking in their commitment to the errand. None were perceived to be notably unserious. Although one of the workers, a Gobber named Laberede, offered that being unskilled he would be willing to continue to do what he was doing or that he would be willing to be educated in whichever manner requested by the Lords and serve after his education as well. Squire Roofer, spoke with the formal Leo and told him that if any of the 19 of them had close relations that they would trust with their lives that they thought may be willing to serve the cause to make them available or accommodate them as labor until accepted by the Lords. Leo, admitted that he had wondered if that was allowed and was relieved that it was and called Squire Roofer, Lord Roofer and the squire quickly corrected him that he was no Lord. Squire Roofer, did a walkthrough of the ongoing work and found that the upstairs floors spanned 25 -30 feet from wall to wall at the shortest spans and ordered the correction of the flooring reinforcements and that a structural pillar should be placed in the middle of the lower floor.

Lord Nerion returned from his errands and the group went to the Iron gut to await the posting of a floated mission from the Shadowmist to be titled Ivory Tusks, a shill mission to gain the party additional clout with the mercenaries. When they arrived the mission had not been posted yet and the group sat down with Cassius a member of Xyla’s adventuring party and the man with a fabulous adamantite folding chair. Squire Roofer seeking to glean knowledge of a source of adamantite or to purchase some spoke with Cassius at length about the goal of acquiring some. Cassius proposed that he would tell him for free where to get some if Roofer could best him in an arm-wrestling match. Roofer accepted and won. Cassius told him where to go, drew a crude map, and told him to go to the west or northwest of the mark on the map. After this interaction, the party noted that there was a new job on the board. Lord Nerion approached and accepted the mission, Squire Roofer asked a few questions and got fewer answers except to speak to the contact and the party left the Iron Gut and headed to the sewers to meet with Magnus about the Jade Badger Clan trials.

The group arrived at the alchemist’s lair without incident. Magnus was sad that we had not brought beer for him but happy to see the group nonetheless. Roofer presented the journals to Magnus who recognized them as dedicated research notes that would require much study to understand and time with that. We proposed to him that he could have a larger lab and perhaps a group of people, namely the jade lord Theodore, to help assist him in his research if he came with us to and passed the trials of the badger clan. After some back and forth he accepted and the group decided to go out drinking in celebration of our morning departure from the city to the Jade Badger Tribal lands.
End of Session

Session 18

We start out at the shovel and pickle where Rayven orders the most expensive drink. Roofer, Magus and Xyla eats soup. I do my best to lure Sqwee the mini badger away from Nerion but fail. Roofer heads to bed as do I, Xyla and Nerion stay at the bar. I come back down a couple hours later and meet up with Nerion where we see a few people that make us curious. After following them for a bit a female points a rifle at us and tells us to move on, so we do. We all call it a night and get rest. The next day we pack enough food and water to feed a small village and take off to the Jade Badger Trial lands.

The first day and night was peaceful as was the next day. Rayven had first watch on the second night and he noticed some kind of tree monsters about to attack and wakes the group. We manage to kill off the tree guys who where resistant to bludgeoning and slashing, we catch them on fire which Magnus puts out witch some kind of magic. The session ends here.

Xila escorted the team through the badger village, Bristlebur upon arrival. The group quickly noticed a distinct imbalance of the sexes in the tribe. There was a substantial surplus of mature but breedable women.

Exuding an unusual tepidness, Xila and the group went to a bar to procure some liquid courage for the meeting with her father, Chief Colefire. The drinks were very over priced!

The meeting with the Chief revealed that the tribe had undergone significant hardship from the crown’s misplacement. Many men of the tribe had died from the fighting with the cursed shadows. The chief refused to provide much information on the connection with these dark creatures. He stated that information was for clan members only. Her dad thoroughly embarrassed little Xi Xi…. this can be used later.

The session left off with Rayven and Roofer head to Harrod the Gambler’s for some gaming action which was exciting and ultimately fruitless.

Nerion and Magnus visited the bar again. The entire tavern was captivated by his stories of heroism and asskickery. Nothing awkward happened.

Session 20 - 19th of Solesh - The party, last session had arrived in Bristlebur, the village of the WereBadger Clan. It ended the afternoon before the Feast, held in celebration of restoring the Jade Lord’s Crown, thus ending the disasters that had been occurring over the past several months. During this time Squire Roofer drafted a wall brace blueprint to further help Gertie’s tavern construction as the badger clan tends to be a bit rowdy when they drink and he’s often having to repair the walls, and other bits. This should help further infractions. Roofer visited the blacksmith Fredrick to see about finding other magical gear, which he had none but the half finished gauntlets he was working on. To start off the feast the Chieftain gave a speech with the elders behind him giving praise and pointing out the potential new recruits of the clan and the saviors. That night Roofer bedded a young badger woman, Nellie. Magnus bedded two badger women, whom willingly gave their blood for his experiments. Nerion bedded three women, Xila caught wind the next morning when she came to talk to him and was not pleased. Later that next morning, everyone was summoned to the spirit hut where the ritual, which involved drinking a poisonous concotion, fire and smoke happened. Transporting each into the spirit world where they assumed the form of badgers. They had to figure their way out from an underground cave onto the surface, and now are being watched by Owls, who appear to be the elders. Only Rayvan, being the smart badger can talk, the rest are drawing in the ground. Each badger has their own specialty of sorts.

The session began with the 3 badger adventurers in the trial vision quest trying to decipher how best to continue on. Lord Nerion ventured stealthily to the west and smelt some reptiles of an unknown type and the group attempted to venture onward quietly. Squire Roofer failed to be stealthy. 2 giant snakes rose from their slumber and attacked the group knocking Lord Rayven, the alchemist Magnus, and Squire Roofer unconscious in the combat. Lord Nerion with his ninja badger skills snuck in and dispatched the 2 snakes and was able to combine his badger knowledge with the fact that he is “a doctor” to resuscitate the group. The party continued to the west and arrived at a small shrine that manifested a setting of the Death’s Wish with a lone wolf on board. The party undeterred boarded the Death’s Wish in an attempt to meet the wolf. It attacked the ability to speak unknown and was swiftly killed. After feeding on the wolf the party was confronted with a vestige of the Lord of Bones Himself who charged the adventurers with creating a true follower of the faith amongst the badger clan members, one or more. The Lord also wished to bestow a boon on one of the party Lord Nerion presented himself and was rejected and The Lord commanded Squire Roofer to step forward and bestowed upon him the ability to give temporary hp equal to the damage dealt to another badger adjacent to the target or himself at a greater value to the one available previously.
The group ventured back to land and began moving to the South West, upon a brief journey they were aware of a Cave Bear to the South that was causing a good bit of noise and appeared to be attacking something. Upon investigating the group found what appeared to be a living Dana (the ghost from the manor in Caspia) being attacked by the bear. The group overcame the bear before Dana could be killed although she appeared to be gravely wounded. Squire roofer attempted to heal her with the newly empowered Bolstering Stubbornness and she simply vanished into a spectral cloud that seemed to be drawn into a large owl that was watching them from a distance. There were 4 or 5 owls that were watching the group from the trees above.
They continued to the South West and became aware that there were apparently Spiders ahead. They were able to circumnavigate the spiders by going to the edge of the water and following the shore. They found themselves at the front stoop of their property in Caspia (an Illusion of some sort) Upon opening the door they were confronted with a sleeping Crocodile. They killed it in its sleep. The manor was searched and not much was found. Squire Roofer having not wanted to make a big deal about the coffin in the basement in the normal plane went down to the basement to inspect Dana’s Coffin. When he opened it he was attacked by bees. He closed the lid and went back up to the main room to wait out the others. When the party was ready to depart he went back downstairs to eat the honeycomb inside the coffin, Received resistance to most types of physical damage and immunity to poison from consuming it.
The party traveled onward this time to the South East and by following their noses found themselves at the base of a rock with a Giant Toad sleeping upon it. They attacked and essentially ate the thing alive. Just to the South, they noticed a series of faint lights. Upon approach, they smelt a number of wolves. The adventurers sneaking up were able to launch a surprise attack on the sleeping canines. After Lord Nerion and Magnus had killed 2 of the wolves/ Lord Rayven attempted to dominate one as a potential companion by forcing his partially erect dick into the hewolf’s ass. He was not successful. The wolf turned and attacked Lord Rayven knocking him unconscious. Squire Roofer attacked the nonraped wolf that remained and it was knocked unconscious. The final wolf was then killed and the party dipped into the pool nearby to heal.
Traveling onward to the South the party found themselves at what looked like the future soup kitchen/Church of Myrkul building. when they opened the door they were confronted by 3 Gian Bees that were surprised by Magnus but not the others. They engaged the bees and were able to overcome them but without the healing granted by Myrkul’s blessing on Squire roofer along with the resistances from Dana’s Coffin Comb the tide might have gone like a current to the Grey Wastes.
After the encounter, the party found themselves back in the hut.


Whosdad started the campaign and made a character and promptly disappeared.

Ike and Whosdad were commanded to leave Deathwish and find the missing group that was sent to the world below. At the command they lept overboard and used featherfall potions to attempt a safe landing on the planet. As they’re falling they notice they’re coming to a quaint village that seems to have a bunch of activity on one side leaving the rest of the village empty. They’re about to land when 4 guards see them falling towards their village, 2 guards snap crossbow shots at the Knights. Ike catches and redirects some of the bolts back at the guards while Whosdad imitates a pincushion. While the guards reload to take some more shots Ikes uses perfect aim and agility and redirects his fall towards one of the guards landing on the guard’s head, knocking him unconscious. When Ikes lands he looks at the other guards asking “Why the hell are you attacking us!” As the confusion continues, the other guard puts a couple more bolts into Whosdad who takes it like a bitch. Ike starts scrapping and knocking heads as the guards yell “YOU WILL NOT DISRUPT THE RITUAL!!!” Ike knocks another guard out when he finally starts listening and realizes his fellow brothers are mid ritual he and Whosdad may be messing things up. As he’s realizing this, “Pincushion Whosdad” sucks up another crossbow bolt.

After tempers settle the two Knights agree to be led into town where they witness the greatness of their fellow brothers. Whosdad still seems to be in a daze and out of it. They particip[ate in the celebration, the women are willing and the booze and food is free. A few Elders are still acting like assholes but the majority of the town is in good spirits. We find out that us Knights set a new record on how fast anyone has passed the trials. The Deathwish AI informs Ike and Whosdad they’re now to join their fellow knights and follow the current mission. Much drinking, eating and whoring continues except for Whosdad as he’s still in a daze and out of it.

Mid-celebration, Nerion finds a quiet corner to pray to Myrkul for guidance. He is told his God wants badger followers, if he succends his loins will be potent once again, if for a short time. Unlike Roofer who has already successfully spread his seed! Gratz Roofer! We did get a short rest, but are all still exhausted.

7-31-22 – session 22 – 21st of Solesh

The party, now after their two hour nap prior to the second feast within a week, woke up exhausted (2 levels). Ike, now having actual sense of taste (formerly a warforged) has been trying everything he can get. Sqwee was lost sometime during the ritual, in his haste to try and find Sqwee, knowing he was exhausted and would have a lower chance of success Nerion decided to down a potion of mental fortitude that Rayven had previously given him. That potion was actually meant to be lotion, mostly comprised of boar semen, which caused an aphrodisiac issue, but was understood by the people, another level of exhaustion applied to Nerion (3). Titles given at the feast end,
Nerion the Survivor
Roofer the Glutton
Rayven the Spirit Drinker
Magnus (NPC) the Crafty

Over the following days :

Roofer asked Frederick the Blacksmith about learning to craft adamantine, Frederick was reluctant as that shits expensive and he’s never laid hands on it and could ruin it. The party though is intent on finding some to Upgrade Rayven’s arsenal. Afterwards they visited Joan, Bristlebur’s leatherworker who kept all of the good quality and lower wolf pelts in exchange for making a blanket for Nellie. She offered to cure the Soul Imbued Wolf Pelts.

Ike and Whos went hunting a few hours out of the village each day, coming across Owlbears, Giant Wasps, and Boars. They made off with one Soul Imbued Owlbear Pelt, 6 pristine Giant Wasp Stingers (poison and all), and two good quality boar hide.

Nerion and Rayven went about trying to recruit new people to follow Myrkul, and give credence to the new bond between the Jade Lord and Myrkul. He received help from Elder Hornsley, who initially showed this group less than indifference. The Prayers of Rayven and Nerion were heard a few times, giving some effect to the Shrine of the Jade Lord. On the final day, during the feast in which Nerion held for those who would hear of Myrkul a blessing was on display as divine power channeled through both Elder Hornsley and Nerion as they clasped hands and bowed. Behind them, in a spectral image was the Jade Lord and Myrkul shaking hands.

43 new followers of Myrkul are converted from the Badger Clan of Bristlebur due to the efforts of Elder Hornsley and the other knights. 3 spawn were also created.

Session ended shortly thereafter with no real decision as to what the party wished to do next aside from spend more time in Bristlebur.

The abilities given by the titles.

spirit drinker

9-27-2022 - 23rd of Solesh start date:

We begin the sessions at a tavern, figuring out what we will do next…

Options: Signar underground wanted us to supplant badger leadership with someone who is more open to the outside world (replace them by any means or reduce their adversity to outside influences). Get Adamantite.

Decided to gather information on why they don’t like the outside world in an effort to persuade leadership to become open to the outside world.

Side note: Ike and Whosdad are considered Honored, but not Exalted/Revered with the village.

We request a meeting with the village chieftain. We meet with him. The group begins prodding for information. Seduced the chief by offering an exchange of goods with the outside world with commerce and trade. Not a trade route per see, but a small group of traders setting up near the church, 3 days away. Schedule TBD. Xylah caught up with us after the meeting to ask how it went, Ike told them wassup, and they plan on heading out tomorrow as well.

Met a group of Myrkulites on the way back, Nerion said he will meet with them before leaving.

Decided to go to the jade temple to get repairs started before heading to Caspia. Ike went to find Xylah before leaving to let them know, the chief was not happy with her leaving.

24th of Solesh:

Nerion meets with Myrkulites and gives them tips and tricks for Myrkul. Doombringer? Ike met with Xylah. We grab Magnus from his orgy.

We get to the Jade Temple with little to no issue save a few small nightly encounters.

Whosdad fought two wolves and killed one, got a wolf paw, Ike rescued the other one.

Nerion smites the shit out of Ike, and tensions de-escalate. We track the wolf tracks back to a cave. Find dead wolves. We leave.

We arrive on the 27th in the afternoon of Solesh at the Jade Temple:

Addendum : Nerion relayed to the myrkulites to sharpen their claws, and be good citizens within the village.

Session 24 - 8/11/22 - Solesh 27

The party arrives at the Jade Lord’s Temple in the early afternoon. After a quick look around to show the new arrivals the temple and verify that nothing was tampered with, the decision is made to spend the rest of the day exploring the surrounding area for resources that could be used in the rebuilding effort. Most of the area is surrounded by dense forests. Lord Ike finds a collection of large boulders to the North West that could potentially be harvested for stone, however there are also signs that the area could be inhabited by some kind of large lizard. Squire Roofer, after climbing a tree, spots a clearing far to the South West which could be a lake or some other useful resource, but it had gotten too late to investigate further.

As he was preparing to head back to the temple, Squire WhosDad was ambushed and held at bladepoint by the traveling merchant Gerri of Bristlebur and his impressively armored bodyguard Dugan. After a brief discussion trying to convince them he was a friend of the badger clan, with limited success, WhosDad remembers the Ring of Bones and calls the party for assistance. Squire Roofer, being a Seeker and knowing that Gerri is as well, convinces him that WhosDad and the rest of the group mean him no harm and have come from the village. Everyone then returns to the temple.

Once back at the temple, Xila is able to verify the party’s standing with the clan and catches Gerri up on recent events. Gerri then offers some credit on his wares to the party as a reward for both their initiation and their assistance to the clan. The party uses this and some of their own gold to purchase some meat for the pets, 4 dexterity potions, a mechanikal rifle with an arcantrik scope, and an injection of infernal adrenaline. While trading, Lord Rayven offers a wand of magic missiles in trade hoping for a discount and gets a horrible deal but also receives a few extra health potions. Gerri also reveals that he has 4 pounds of Adamantite he is taking back to Bristlebur for Fredrick to try to make tools out of. After some persuasion by Squire Roofer, he agrees to let the party take it back to Caspia to get the tools made professionally so long as they have them back to Fredrick within 30 days (enforced with a Geas on Roofer). Before the end of the night, Lord Nerion nails Squire WhosDad’s hand to a nearby tree to harvest his pain.

The party, including Magnus and Xila, continues the remaining 3 days to Caspia the next morning. The journey is uneventful except for some divination magic detected by Squire Roofer on the second day. They arrive at Caspia, on the afternoon of the third day, the 30th of Solesh. Upon approaching Caspia, lines of people trying to get into the city are observed, everyone is being checked by the guard before being allowed in. After trying to covertly collect some information about what is going on and worrying about some of the party member’s lack of identification, the group goes through the line. The guards take no issue with the new members and a talkative guard named Analise gives out some information about recent “Weird” happenings in the city. She says there have been reports of screaming in the night, nothing has been seen except occasional drops of blood and the smell of sulfur but many people are missing. There are now Holy Inquisitors patrolling the Dregs in reaction to these events and Rumors of infernalists within the walls. She also notes that most of the known mercenary groups are out of the city and have yet to return.

Once inside Caspia, Lord Nerion departs to check on the new church and the keep, he finds construction not fully completed but going well. The rest of the group heads to Deeter’s shop. After some rawkus but good natured haggling with Lord Rayven, Deeter agrees to make the tools for Fredrick and the new Rifle, and keep the rest of the adamantite for his own tools. He also takes the rifle purchased from Gerri to remove the scope for Squire WhosDad. Before the party moves on, he asks Lord Rayven to leave Cold Snap so he can inspect it, Rayven agrees after giving it a goodbye kiss. The group then proceeds to the Iron Gut. On the way, Squire Roofer uses the sending stone to contact Thadius and updates him on the situation with the Badger Clan, he seems ok with the progress even though the Chief Coalfire’s blood had not been drained. He confirms the completion of the decoy mission so the party will get paid for their efforts…

When the party arrives at the Iron Gut, it is unusually empty. Jade theorizes that whatever is happening in town may be related to targeting the merc groups as there are fewer and fewer of them coming in. Missions are not being completed and requests are piling up. Lord Ike and Squire WhosDad go through security and are inducted into the mercenary group, receiving A rank IDs. Jade then pulls the group aside and Informs them that the Iron Gut is offering a 2000 gold reward, promotion to S rank, and inner cloister passes for anyone able to resolve the situation in the City. The group agrees to do what they can, and to receive a Geas for secrecy regarding the Iron Gut’s offering since they do not have the authority for that type of involvement in City Business.

The group accepted a secret mission from the mercenary guild to uncover what is going on with the missing/disappearing people where all that is left is blood and the smell of sulfur. The party is told that Griffin Darkfrost, the younger brother of Garret Darkfrost has been seen at the sites with the investigators. The party receives 3 days of exclusivity for the mission. to be extended if progress is made.
They head to the Dregs guard post to speak with Vanderay and Magoro for credentials or to be deputized somehow. After a bit of discussion, Magoro orders Vanderay to accompany them on their investigation. Vanderay agrees with some protest and all agree to meet at the party’s property an hour after dusk.

The party returns to their property a few hours before sundown and meet with Leo for a status update, giving him 150g for wages and materials as needed and outfitting him and the other workers with shift guard armor and ranged weapons and shortswords.
Before the sun is set they go to the locations of the first 3 attacks, all of them have been scoured for evidence by what appears to be a type of cleaning and or collection magic or an exceptional mechanism of some sort. At the 3rd site, they see a woman prostrate and praying. They speak with her and uncover that her name is Sarrie and that she is the girlfriend of one of the victims, Thomas. She details that he and she are drug addicts essentially who have been living on the streets for some time. She reports that Thomas had met a woman named Petal who promised him relief from his suffering if he would give himself to her. She says that he mentioned this to her 2 weeks before he was transformed into some sort of infernal creature in the night. Sarrie says that she was really high and saw the results of the transformation only very shortly and from cover the night that it happened. The group asked her for more details and she said she had none. Roofer gave her 10g and told her to come to the soup kitchen. Ike offered to take the memory from her and she agreed. Ike took not only the memory but her memory of the emotions that she felt after.

The party met with Vanderay back at their home and he ate soup which he did not hate, he appears to be willing to maybe be friends. The party went with him to a warehouse that had been searched from top to bottom reportedly. Roofer climbed to the rafters with the rope of climbing and what appeared to be groves on the floor seemed to form the image of a leaf. after some more investigation, a loud sound and continuous grinding appeared to fill the building and the door sealed itself. Vanderay seemed to be in a panic outside. the party noticed a crack of light coming from the floor ahead. Squire Roofer shoved a great axe from his backpack into the grove and cast enlarge on himself to pry the floor tile from the ground. The party then observed what appeared to be a sloping access shaft to a platform of sorts below.
The party descended the ramp to the platform and noted 4 doors with names above, Slice, Swollow, Strangle and Stitch. The doors began to open. Ike charged into the person behind the Slice door as it was halfway open striking him unexpectedly. Rayven shot him knocking him unconscious and then downed the one at the Strangle door to the ground. Nerion commanded one at the Stitch door to come to him after he had already hit a button on the wall. Roofer engaged the one behind the Swollow door and killed him before expeditious retreating to the one that had moved back through the door he was ordered through at the Stitch door. The one in the Strangle door tried to run and was shot down by Rayven. The one behind the Slice door was grappled by Nerion and pulled into the room with the knights. Squire roof was trapped behind the Slice door separate from the rest of the party.

The group quickly left the scene as the structure collapsed around them. At the top, they reconnect with Vanderey. We inform him of Roofer’s situation and ask for his help in obtaining information from the two cultists. He agrees to help us if he shares in the glory.

The first cultist is mind scraped by our mentalist monk. It reveals key details surrounding a hill and what appears to be an old mining complex on the edge of town. We then proceed to the guard station in the Dregs in which we witness a pitiful display of interrogation by Vanderey.

After Vanderey fails to extract key information from the woman, Laurn. The hero inquires about utilizing “enhanced” interrogation methods. Vanderey said he needed to obtain permission and left to seek it.
During this time. The hero and Rayven decide to Carpe Diem and apply their medical knowledge to shape a more… willing… cultist. So they gave her a full frontal lobotomy while she was awake. So much fear was created that the hero felt new strength enter him.

Vanderey came back with Magoro and was told of the deed. They were not happy but decided to utilize the opportunity. The newly compliant Laurn led the team to the mines that were scraped from the memory of the male cultist.

On the way, we made contact throught our ring with Roofer. He is badly hurt and we rushg to his assistance. Magoro sends Vanderey back for reinforces and turns out he is simply fabulous with his two pistols, Slippery and Slobbery. We found Roofer being a bitch and hiding from twelve cultists that the hero believes were placed there to trick the group into using their powerful abilities before their true adversary.

Using the hero’s cunning plan, the group followed through with a thorough smashing. One cultist was knocked out and I can’t wait to see how wonderful his life goes from here on.

We start the session outside a cave where we defeated the cultists. Roofer casts detect magic and finds 2 healing potions on the fanatics, Ike and Roofer both get one. Further searching shows the great sword users all had embroidered petal sewn into their satchels that were cut in half and sewn back together. Nerion strips the robes off the cultists to disguise us. Roofer and I help using our disguise skills to make us look more believable. On our way down Ike hoofs it back and cuts the head of a dead cultist so Roofer can question it using his necromancy. We discover there’s one way in and out, today’s password is Foreboding Shadow and their god is Petal. We make our long way through the cave as Ike checks for and disarms traps and reach a huge double gate to what we assume is the entrance to the cultists base.

It’s guarded by a cultist who accepts our password and waves us closer. He gets nervous as we get closer, sensing our deception, we however manage to snatch the keys to open the gate and commence the battle. There’s a good dozen Weavers and one cultist. Ike runs up and down walls beating down the strange creatures. Whosdad and Rayven shoot them down from the sky while Roofer casts spells left and right. Nerion watches the heros with envy in his eyes as he realizes he’s worthless in this fight. They’re not really that tough and we clean them up pretty fast. Rayven finds a room with a chest full of gold and other items and forgets about the rest of the party when he starts filling his backpack with loot. The party runs into another cultist and a creature called a Howler. They manage to kill both as Rayven greedily keeps looting the other room. We have a chest full of gold, finding also a weird looking stone, gems, journals and an avian skull. Inside the room is enough weapons and armor to equip a small army.

Rayven joins the party and explains what he found. We open a door to the next room and see a ton of the enemy, the session stops here…

Once the door was open Lord Nerion charged through the door due to infernal ichor still pumping through his vein from consuming the Howler’s heart. This action in fact appeared to surprise even the others in the party. He charged around a corner and struck one of the Infernal abominations with a considerable charge attack but failed to knock it off of the bridge it was standing on. The combat began seconds later with 4 scyther-like creatures and 4 of the floating variety that are apparently able to attack together,r their ray-like attacks, appear to merge into a twisting laser-like cord. Along with 4 cultists, they manage to back the group back to the door shortly after a savage exchange between nerion and 3 of the scyther creatures. Lord Ike, seeing Nerion eat over 120 necrotic and slashing damage in one attack and one opportunity attack called for a consolidation of our forces in the choke point at the door, dragging Neoion’s unconscious body to the door before feeding him a healing potion
Squire Roofer, still under the effects of Protection from Evil and Good and at pretty much full HP stated outside and just to the Left, fired a series of eldritch bone spears and managed to not be attacked successfully in the 1st full round of combat. Lord Rayven fired his battle cannon at the flock of ray-firing creatures and scored a solid hit on one dealing considerable damage to the group of them and then his minion Mag’oro thrust his off-hand pistol up Nerion’s ass since he had learned earlier that this was a recommended treatment for unconsciousness among Nerion’s circle of medical professionals. Nerion arose from the ground invigorated and got underneath the Scyther just outside the doorway and struck him with this booming tool.
2 rounds later the first Scyther fell having its face removed by Squire Roofer. Shortly after the Second fell, Its genitals were destroyed by the force of Lord Nerion’s booming wrench. Lord Rayven fired a shot into the flock of laser-twisting flying ameba-like infernals again killing all but 1 of the brood. He then took down the last one as it tried to flee from the encounter.
One of the 2 remaining cultists attempted unsuccessfully to cast hold person on Lord Nerion. When the second attempted successfully Lord Nerion was paralyzed by the Infernal’s spell. The infernal scyther that remained scored what would have been a death blow on Squire Roofer only to have it’s attack do no harm to him due to Roofer’s use of the tattoo of perseverance. Lord Ike, took out one of the 2 remaining cultists before blasting his arm through the remaining scyther’s torso. The group hurried deeper into the dungeon, Lord Nerion and Squire roofer moving to the left and Lords Ike and Rayven taking the right side. At the end of the hall and in a chamber to the right Lord Ike observed 2 cultists along with a willing living sacrifice, the Cryxian woman Petal standing over him. swiftly killing one of the cultists Ike threw a poison dart at the willing living sacrifice scoring a hit and dealing considerable damage to his mortal form. Petal began channeling a ritual of some sort. Just before Lord Ike was able to knock her unconscious she finished her casting of an unknown spell and the willing sacrifice was transformed into a scyther-like creature. Squire Roofer attempting to follow orders fell back and towards Ike and Rayven, reviving the fallen Atwin along the way. Lord Nerion changed course and attacked the cultists on the left side downing one and being held by the other 3. Roofer and Atwin returned to him and the other 3 were swiftly defeated by the 3, a Half-Iosian woman who appeared to be of little consequence followed them over to the petal room and the group continued further into the dungeon. Opening the door to the next area a bottle began to clatter downstairs beyond the dark platform behind. Lord Nerion, used his Mage Hand to catch the bottle after it had only clattered down a few of the many stairs. The group descended down the stairwell noticing red undulating anemone-like growths from the stone walls. Arriving at the bottom of the spiral stairs the group was questioned by a seemingly disembodied voice, Stitch. Squire roofer communed with The Lord of Bones via his Bone Ring and asked the question “Should we attempt to make this creature an ally?” The Lord responded “No.” The session concluded without anything else of note occurring.

3rd of Octesh
We begin at the bottom of the stairs at the Cultist Hideout, after hearing the voice of someone called ‘Stitch’. Nerion wastes time on the walls made of flesh. The group readies for a fight. We hear flesh piercing flesh. The fight with Stitch begins. Magoro gets yeeted into the ceiling and falls onto Nerions arms. Nerions waits until half time to hatch a plan without the DMs presence, will Ike be able to grab him? Took a few extra turns but it worked.


SO. MUCH TENTACLE PORN. What is this BDSM dungeon we’re in? 0/10 don’t recommend, too much rope play, all non-consensual. Weird dead fetish going on too. No drink service. The loot better be worth it.

We hear an abyssal voice, Nerion understands it, we got two turns to wreck this bitch. We pepper this bitch and then Ike comes in with the critical capsaicin hit to the face, obliterating Stitch as he tried to flee the room through the abyssal portal. We will pick up next time with loot and information.

2 bottles of blightwine

Plate +1 (gives thurmugy, attunement, as an action you can lose 10 hp and cast circle of death DC 17 LR, if it kills you, you die die, and you deal max damage with the spell)

Kriss +1 (shortsword, attunement, can cut yourself for 5hp, blade becomes empowered, 3d6 necrotic damage if the target has blood, 1 minute (10 rounds))

PS - timeskip in the very near future coming up

Level to 11 at next long rest.

Session 30 - Octesh 3 - Early Morning

Following Stitch’s defeat, the crawling growth covering the walls of the cave begins to shrink and decay, and the portal that was beginning to open to extract Stitch collapses. Now that the party has some time to more thoroughly examine the room, over 60 bodies are found, many more than were reported missing. A few of these are recognized as former patrons of the soup kitchen.

Magoro’s reinforcements finally begin to arrive, led by the gunmage, Griffin Darkfrost. Darkfrost is accompanied by an individual in Inquisitor styled armor who only thinly veils his disdain for the group. Magoro updates them on the situation and they provide some information in return: The cultist group is called the Bitter sacrifice, the inquisitors have been aware of them for some time, but they don’t believe that there are currently more in the city. They are considering mobilizing the military to wipe them out, given concerns that they may be trying to spark a second Requiem.

While beginning to move out of the complex, Lord Nerion remembers the female prisoner that he rescued and begins to suspect she may have been Petal in disguise. He enthusiastically informs the party of his concerns and Lord Ike uses his superior mobility to catch up to her before she can exit the tunnel. After she learns that her captors have been permanently dealt with, she begins to calm down and agrees to wait and return to town with the group. Once outside the cave, Lord Ike takes some time to gather his strength while continuing to talk to her, learning her name and some details of her captivity. Franchesca also agrees to have her memory searched to aid with the ongoing investigation. As Ike prepares to enter her memory, Nerion finds stitching on Franchesca’s back which he heals with the remnants of his power. Ike then searches her mind and receives two memories: The first reveals the other 3 lieutenants and Petal meeting with Stitch as they apparently did “every third Thursday”. Stitch also mentions that he was following her instructions to quietly acquire as many bodies as possible. The second memory is of her seeing Stitch for the first time. He is draining a man of his blood to fill the summoning circle in his lair.

The group then returns to the house, first stopping by the guard station to allow Franchesca to cooperate with the Guard as a witness. At the house, Nerion attempts to alleviate Dana’s loneliness by playing hide and seek. In the process, he gets shot by Lord Rayven for invading his room. During the night, we all receive a vision of a grand city of Myrkul being raised, then attacked, and armies of Myrkul pouring out to defend the unholy walls. We are reminded of our purpose and inspired to bring this vision to reality. In the morning, Ike introduces Dana to the wolf pup he rescued on the way from Bristlebur in hopes that it will help keep her entertained.

Rayven, Whosdad, and Ike head to Deeters. Raven receives an upgraded Cold Snap with instructions to field test it for another week. Whosdad receives his Arcantrik Scope. Before leaving, Rayven introduces Deeter to the idea of working for us once our operation is more developed and he seems interested in the possibility, given the appropriate compensation.

Lord Nerion begins the day by talking to Gladly, a contracting broker, about restoration of the Jade Lord’s Temple. Rayven arranges a meeting with Thadius at the Iron Gut to talk about recent events. On the way, Whosdad starts craving a croissant and finds a down on his luck baker with excelent wares named Francois. Nerion offers him a job cooking for the soup kitchen which he excitedly accepts once Nerion also agrees to buy out his stock for the day. Rayven follows him on the way to the Soup Kitchen.

At the Iron Gut, the group updates Misty on the discoveries made on the Infernalist investigation and the progress made on rooting out the organization. She says that since there are still other branches of the Infernalists, she cant authorize payout for the completion of the mission until more definitive confirmation of a resolution (3 days with no more reported disapearences).

In the meantime, as Rayven follows Francois, he is confronted by 4 toughs in the street. Rayven obliterates them with the newly upgraded Cold Snap. Francios then thanks him profusely and reveals that the group, called the Silly Boys, had been regularly shaking him down for his lunch money. Rayven offers to house him at the Manor and have him be the Chef for the group and the soup kitchen. Back at the Iron Gut, Nerion updates Thadius on the situation with the Infernalists. He expresses his interest in the infernal corruption and asks for us to retrieve a corpse for him to examine, bonus if its one of the leutenants. He also informs the group of rumors of a Cryxian keep being constructed over the northern mountian range and offers compensation for investigation and/or distruction. The group then heads to the guard house to get their acquired gear cataloged. Nerion and Rayven try unsuccesfully to negotiate with the colorful receptionist to borrow Stitch’s body. Vanderae does let us take a look at the body. Rayven and Ike take a sample from the body without Vanderae noticing and sends it to Thadius. Nerion heals the lobotimized cultist to watch her scream about betraying her faith. She may have been able to cast something on him in her anger.

Ike and WhosDad return to the manor to find Francois’ wife and daughter, Dominique and Sophia, interacting pleasently with Dana and the wolf pup. It turns out that Alfred had recognized them as intruders but Dominique had disabled him. She fixes him and Ike ads her to Alfred’s registry. From her actions, Ike ascertains that she has some mechanic background.