Application: Constantyne

What game are you applying for?
Good Afternoon,
The game I am applying for is New World. I also play WoW, but have put that on hold to see how NW is. Thought it would be fun to play with my buddy again.

What is your character name?

Why do you want to join UDL?
My friend Fringe has joined and says all good things. I have read some of the pre reqs and it sounds interesting. I’m not a hard core gamer anymore, but I consider my skills still pretty good and want to find a community to put those skills to some use with friends I meet along the way.

How did you find out about our guild?
I have known Fringe for about 13 years through work. We have played a few games together and when NW came out I decided to hop on the same server as him to try to play again together.

Describe your past MMO experiences
Started MMO playing Everquest in late 99’. Played until EQ2 came out in 2004, but ended up gravitating to WoW. Played a few others briefly, Aion, SWToR, and a few others, but kept ending back up in WoW. Now on NW to see how it goes.

Do you have anything to prove you are an exceptional gamer?
I don’t stream any games so I have nothing to show for my 22+ years of gaming except a big dent in my bank account. I have played with Fringe so he can attest at least to my commitment to friends/family and the games we play together. Lol

Do you have a member of UDL who can vouch for you?

What is your preferred play style?
PvP - Small Scale: false
PvP - Large Scale: true
Crafting/Gathering: true
Questing/Raiding: true

Tell us a little about yourself.
I am 52, I like long strolls on the beach, candle lit dinners… j/k… I don’t like either of those, but I do like sitting down in front of the TV with my wife to watch some TV shows, until she retreats to the backyard, then it’s my time to play my game of choice. I have 4 kids that have kept me pretty busy so I took some years off of gaming to devote to them. Now that they are in middle school and high school I find myself with more time e to play. I love playing a pure healer role, but can play pretty much anything. I want to find a good group of people to play with that will stand the test of ti e, not just disappear with the next game.

Which is your strongest pillar? Which is your weakest?
Hars to say witch would be my strongest or weakest as I pride myself on all of those attributes, but if I had to pick my strongest… I would have to say Honor. I respect people, as I would want to be respected, which also falls into lines with a few of the other pillars. Dedication, professionalism, respect, and even loyalty. If I had to pin down a weaker one, I would have to choose loyalty only because my wife and kids will alway come before ALL else.