Application: Alcaz

What game are you applying for?
Conqueror’s Blade

What is your character name?

Why do you want to join UDL?
I have always thrived in very structured gaming. To be a part of a community to learn, grow, and contribute has always added extra value to games. I enjoy your lore as well. Seems like a great House for my newest addiction (conq blade)

How did you find out about our guild?
Conq Blade official discord, seen your advert there

Describe your past MMO experiences
Albion Online, Guild wars 2, Eve Online, Archeage, Warhammer Online

Albion online played with a group called Team Causality (TC)
EVE online I took part in the Faction Wars militia for a few
and the others, honestly have been soooo long ago I cannot quite remember

Do you have anything to prove you are an exceptional gamer?
Sadly I do not

Do you have a member of UDL who can vouch for you?

What is your preferred play style?
PvP - Small Scale: true
PvP - Large Scale: true

Tell us a little about yourself.
I am 35 currently working as an equipment operator at an automated warehouse. I enjoy gaming in my free time and have always been super competitive in it since I was 15. For me it has not just been enjoying the game but thriving in it by researching meta, practicing, trying to play at the highest levels. I love competition and being the best

Which is your strongest pillar? Which is your weakest?
To be honest all pillars would be my strongest, it feels like it is just part of being a decent human being. If I had to choose it would be Respect. When you where a tag or apart of a group you are a representation of that and should conduct yourself as such

The weakest perhaps dedication as I work 4x 10 hrs but sometimes its 5 and have mandatory overtime so typically get only a few days to game per week however during those times I am very active

Joined up as an app, registered in Discord, but … never seen nor heard from him. Not sure if he’s busy RL or CB burned out.